On April 2, 2024, Derek Puyat completed the master thesis defense with a research topic on “DYNAMIC DNA NANOMATERIALS TO MODULATE LIGAND BINDING FOR BIOSENSING AND DRUG DELIVERY”. Congratulations to Derek!
What’s New?
Congratulation to Akshay, Duessa Red and Ramla for receiving undergraduate awards!
Congratulation to Akshay Shah for receiving American Institute of Chemistry Award and ACS Organic Undergraduate Award! Congratulation to Ramla Basharat for receiving for ACS Scholastic Achievement Award, Undergraduate Award in Physical Chemistry (ACS) and Drs. Owen and Ronald Rahman Award! Congratulation to Duessa Red Bregaudit for receiving Drs. Owen and Ronald Rahman Award!
Dr Fu is invited to attend the National Academy of Sciences’ Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia.
Prof Fu is invited to participate in the National Academy of Sciences’ 34th Annual Kavli Frontiers of Science Symposia, which takes place on March 7-9, 2024, at Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center in Irvine, California. Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia bring together outstanding young scientists to discuss exciting advances and opportunities in a broad range … Continue reading Dr Fu is invited to attend the National Academy of Sciences’ Kavli Frontiers of Science symposia.…
Congratulations to Taniya Robin for receiving the Chancellor’s Grant for Independent Student Research!
Congratulations to Taniya Robin for receiving the Chancellor’s Grant for Independent Student Research to support her proposed Forensics Capstone Project!
Fu lab received 2023 Busch Biomedical Grant
Fu lab received 2023 Busch Biomedical Grant for a project of “Enhancement of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Genome Editing with Targeted DNA Nanoparticles Delivery”.
Congratulation to students for receiving Chancellor and OMIC grants!
Congratulation to Alireza Ebrahimi, Qiaochu Zhang and Prince Osei Bonsu for receiving Chancellor’s Grant for Independent Student Research! Congratulation to Akshay Shah and Duessared Bregaudit for receiving Arts and Sciences OMIC Summer Research Grant!