Dr. Jinglin Fu officially received PECASE award from White House

White House officially announced Recipients of the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers. Congratulation to Dr. Jinglin Fu as a PECASE awardee at New Jersey.  https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/president-donald-j-trump-announces-recipients-presidential-early-career-award-scientists-engineers/

Our students’ team are selected by Rutgers I-Corps for identifying market opportunities of nanosensors

Sung Won Oh (4th year Ph.D candidate) and Kristin Monckton (senior year undergraduate) are selected to participate in the Rutgers I-Corps program. They  have started a team of “DNANOSIS’ and will investigate the market opportunity of DNA sensor technology that is developed in the lab. For more information of Rutgers I-Corps, please review it at: http://oed.rutgers.edu/content/rutgers-i-corps-site … Continue reading Our students’ team are selected by Rutgers I-Corps for identifying market opportunities of nanosensors